, the trucks were left without gasoline at one point, says the son of a very smart officer named shelishch, he first came up with the idea of no gasoline, he came up with the idea of removing the elevator winches around the house, they removed the elevator winches. they put them in position, a few days later there was no electricity, a dead end, then lieutenant shelich came up with the idea of filling the one-and-a-half-ton truck with hydrogen, he started the engine of the one-and-a-half-ton truck, the engine started, then it blew and there was an explosion, and he realized what had happened, a spark had passed from the engine into the gas tank, so it was necessary to interrupt the path for the spark, how do the toilets work there just like we do, excuse me? there is a water seal, such water seals were removed from fire extinguishers, today everything is even more interesting, that is, the near future on you take energy, essentially from the air, wind, split water, hydrogen, and burn this hydrogen to generate electricity, we do not burn it, we transform it in fuel cells, if you allow