shell. they had six years to get ready with exploratory drilling and were caught completely unprepared for drilling in a very high style admire reverend ralph -- in a very cost dial and fire -- and fryer matt. they will take it with a key and they will do as much as they can but even those laws are inappropriate. it is a dangerous place to operate that is the last place to be drilling in the arctic ocean. >> there is a profound misunderstanding the world is toppy tirrivee like bristol bay, the arctic ocean they are already developed. there is enormously profoundly productive factories of mother nature producing those magnificent salmon runs some of the great fish and wildlife habitat. we are not fully human without that. the already developed and we can only undeveloped them. as i money, you heard the expression just say no. nancy reagan's people brought it as the great slogan. do you know, there that first came from? it was a national poster as i a understand the story, one of the winning posters from the contest was from a youth in the arctic village alaska is said just say no to drugs in in the arctic refuge. oil is the number one drive. it is a great challenge of our time to see w