congresswoman shelley berkley had a flag flown over capitol hill in his honor. and that's just one example of so many constituent services performed by our senators and house members on our behalf. so let's look now at the more serious offerings. next segment we'll lighten things up a bit. just a handful of the big ones. reaching federal agencies, helping you save your home, helping your business compete information on how to avert the flu or on other emergency health situations. now, congressman, you know, we should mention, too, a serious service that at first blush doesn't sound like it would qualify. it is your work to get congress to balance that doggone federal budget. but, you know, people at home, your constituents, want to know why they have to balance their checkbook but the government doesn't. how does it serve americans? how is it sort of a constituent service to have a balanced budget in d.c.? >> it helps stabilize economies. it helps people invest in those economies. right now the uncertainty of spending, people are frustrated. i know personally th