also want to point out that i'm also joined by shelley kaltroni, the planning person who will work on it over the next year and from the citywide division who presented the open space element to you earlier this year. she'll be working on behalf of the citywide division and along with john sway of the citywide division. if we choose to come back to you they will be presenting this information and engaging you on any potential revisions. to start, just to give you a little bit of background on the -- on how we got to where we are today, the presentation is not coming up yet. here we go. so just as a refresher in the summer and fall of 2007, there was public review and comment on the draft element as commissioner highland mentioned, we contracted with arg for the contract elements in your packet today and included comment that was recorded as part of this effort. you will notice there are a couple shaded areas where arg was seeking this commission and department and planning advice with how to proceed with those comments. once that comment was complete, the landmarks board reviewed the