@shelnutt of course, we will be @watching the turnout in those @12 states to see how that plays @out today, as @well. @well, thank you. @we-- a reminder tonight we have @a special primetime coverage of @"super tuesday." @lester holt will be joined by @guthrie. @as a result, it that starts at @10 p.m. @right here on channel 3 @>>> the cleveland city council @approved $75,000 to look into @ways to reduce violence in the @city. @councilman zach reed's has the @money will be used to see if a @prime initiative in chicago @might work here. @it tackles community violence @like a public health threat, @just like a disease, diagnosis @and treat violence at its @roots. @so far, this year there have @been 14 homicides in cleveland. @>>> sebring officials will be @flushing out the water system @to prevent more lead and @getting into the drinking @control chemical will be added @to the water. @it will help stop the town's @older pipes from leeching lead @into the water supply but @officials came under scrutiny @after sebring's former water @plant operator waited months to @notify people about the