for shem—tov, living on this land is about maintaining an israeli presence here.t as a front line in the defence of the israeli state. but his ability to live here is dependent on the israeli military. two days later, we return to meet palestinians near the settlement. they say they've held and cultivated this land for generations. so we've just got here to the point where the shepherd and the other palestinians are in, erm... it seems like the military has also arrived. and this is the settler we were with just the other day. things have gotten quite tense here. the israeli military is in between the settler that we were with, who claims that this is his land, and these palestinians, who are saying that they have the right to work this land themselves. you called the military? why? they're saying that you stole all their olive trees. they're also saying that according to the courts, this land belongs to them. according to the army, it's yours? they're shoving them. stop! what's happening with this guy? i think it's because he's in pain. it seems like you're only