in shepherdstown. and so as they were passing close to the town, they would come and stop and visit with their family. and in some cases, this was the last instance that some of these soldiers had to see their friends and family there in shepherdstown. but that was immediately an eye opening thing for the of shepherdstown because now they knew that these large armies were heading in their direction. and of course it would just be a fleeting moment that they'd get to see their friends and family before ultimately those men had to rejoin confederate ranks and continue their march toward harpers ferry itself. one of the soldiers who came down to visit his family was the gentleman that you see there on the left. he was a confederate surgeon, william selman parr, and was his name. and he had cousins and an aunt living in downtown shepherdstown home still stands there today. for those of you familiar shepherdstown, it's near the train station, right across tommy's pizza, but you can still see it today. it's