shern-min chow from our affiliate in skinny from the experts on a down and dirty subject. bad food is bad for you in so many ways...including certain bacteria in your intestines. manufacturing plant for all kinds of chemicals that send messages to your hunger. dr herbert dupont, director of the center for infectious disease at uthealth school of public health, studies fecal bacteria transplants. ------ if you take those bacteria from an obese person and put it into a mouse, the mouse gets fat. if thin person, the mouse becomes thin. ------------------- the ut health team points out "bad" gut bacteria or flora is linked to all kinds of health issues. ------------- whether increasing appetite, whether its depression, whether its a seizure disorder, patients with parkinson- all have abnormal flora. --------------- even more intriguing? -------------------------- (produced stand up w mouse) scientists studied 4 sets of identical twins, one lean one heavy. they transplanted their intestinal bacteria into mice. mice which got the lean twin's bacteria, stayed thin.