joining us is sherri franklin, founder of the senior dog rescue in san francisco. thanks so much for joining us this morning with your baby mesha. tell me about national adopt a shelter pet day. it is not only for dogs and cats. >> absolutely. i say today is a great day, a beautiful day out to go to your local shelter and take a look at the shelter animals. i mean, we've got old dogs. beautiful, wonderful senior dogs. but your local shelter may have bunnies or snakes even. dogs and cats, certainly there are so many out there that need homes right now. you can be a part of their rescue. they can add so much to your life. >> you were telling me that mesha, whom you're holding, is 14 years old and in from muttville. she looks like a beautiful type of poodle. >> she's a -- >> there are the designer dogs. >> we have two others up for adoption right now at muttville. we have all kinds of dogs. we have dogs that are 2.5 pounds. we have dogs that are 100. we have a mastiff that is 125 pounds. all shapes and sizes. they've all been vetted. this day, adopt a shelter pet day,