sherrie steiner, jim bloom, human freud, i can't read the last name. jamie michael's, steven, kevin strain, mike fong and christian. >> i'm bob plant hold. i offered two concrete scenarios why i object to the process and indicate the mou is flawed. we have only heard aesthetic concerns raised today. i'm going on the basis of what we heard in here today. dpw in its presentation said people in agencies are noticed within 300 feet. that's not good enough. where i live, there is an elementary school diagonally across from me, there is a middle school across from me and a public elementary school a block away. in this intersection there is a paid school crossing guard and count down signal. that means there is significant accidents. but the public elementary school is beyond the notice and therefore they wouldn't know anything about this. that's bad enough. but in addition, the dimensions of these new cabinets is shown in the first slide of dpw's presentation. 4 feet high and nearly 6 feet long. a lot of kids 10 years old are shorter than 4 feet. we have ad