my name is sherry katz, and i am the director of sometime projects. exterior envelope package four, the mpp went to the contractor on 5-14, and that's underway. f-bay door and ancillary work, bbr has completed about one fourth of those now. that's in completion for the special four-fold doors. up coming milestones, at bay door package three, there are ten fire stations, and the notice to proceed went to the contractor on may 9. roof package five, there are six fire stations, and that was -- that's in substantial completion. envelope package two, fire station 24 and 34, that -- the bids are due this wednesday for those two projects? and showers package 2 will advertise in the next two weeks. >> my turn. i will come to you with fire station number 35 which completed concept design phase at the end of january and went middle of schematic design. we need to obtain a permit from bcdc brb, and we scheduled our second presentation to drb on june 11, so we are in middle of preparations for that presentation. but the project is still on track, there are no maj