sherwood schwartz who created it showing me a review of one critic. i guess he was a husband and father and he said, i know, you know, people have been really hard on this show. he said, but what's wrong with teaching a child to tell the truth? to honor their parents? if they fight with their siblings, make up, respect your teachers. all of those things. and you know, i think that it's been a very valuable teaching tool and now young parents tell me that they have the d.v.d.'s and they watch it together sometimes on friday nights, like they did when they were kids. if you tissue do you have young children? tavis: i do not. >> if i had young children today, i'd be concerned about television. tavis: as you should be. of course it's great on pbs. >> whole other ballgame. tavis: let me ask this, my time is running out, you are so well known for playing carol brady, yet you've done so many other things in your career. how ok are you with forever being known, more than anything else you've ever known, as -- done as carol brady? >> i'm ok with that. i think