. >> sheryl jordan a mother of two says ms has forced her to use a wheelchair. also received angioplasty. >> i'm walking up and down and it's no problem. >> all three women consider their treatment a success. the patients desperate for relief can receive a placebo effect. much of the research community remains skeptical. >> we first reported on this earlier this year when a stanford surgeon stopped performing the procedure. he decided to hold off until het could conduct a clinical trial. in fact within the mgs community there has been a huge push for the th research with the hope of determining whether this plays a role in ms. >> that is the first step. if it's not real phenomenon, you can forget the notion of doing surgery. >> he directs the multiple sclerosis center at ucsf. >> if this really works, it would be exciting for the patients. the problem is, it's not been established as a valid sort of factor in the cause of cause of multiple sclerosis. >> they were motivated in part by the explosion of clinics offering the procedure. and patients willing to travel