tseomni tt ve be lbyg rdn shgton, bab t disclo me foatn ou when thearfoed to rn over infmaonbo tir usersb provide me foatn mef ose rees. the are gregatnuer n e level of detail e coanies hope to be ae prove to users to reassure eicustomers they areot ndg er so much informaon toheedal government. its renfmaonhath ha bn lowed dcle ts in t s-mtherd from nuary of last ye to the enofun t gernment made ecicly few tn 00 qutsroyao! fospif iormation fm ho urs atncdeacsso tween 30000,9 cots sooncod veulpl acun. osdootepse uque uss. crof sil iortion. th pvid twn 99 spif rues r inrmioononntroth feragornnt fer an6,0 cotser ulmalyccse og, e meorof nuer beee0-999 qut r conteninrmiowiinhe us aounts. googleaying thatew tn ,0 aounts are qstn. ats portant ishiishe stetleinformiothe companies have beealwe under the law to provi tth nel bl, to tirse, anth me the caseha ilthey appreciatth, ey ulli tdilo en re blhing these numberss ep in e ght diction. sllelieveor ansparcys need so erneanetr detand hosueillan ls rknd ci wth onothey sve e bl iert. th aotorfu tth deten shgt. >>et, t numbeis more th o, n'th wt wil