almmst 100-thouand dollars - from an insurance claiming her son was 32-year-old shhrley rae owens gave birth to twins back in 2007, and at first, one child then prosecutors say she kept filing claims... evennthough theechild didn't need &padditiooal hoopital stays. owens willlbe sentenccd early next year, and cculd ace up po ffve years in priisn. 3 we'll learn more today... about a state audit off baltimore schools. a preliminary report uncovers numerous allegatiinn of overspending.according to the baltimore sun... 3 employees earned 250-thousand dollars while working forrthe school and 14-hundred computers went missing. (mayor) "this is dr. alonso's bear the responsiblityyof he 3 assuring that the money that schools issspent wisely."r wiiely."again... thh finaa staaeeauditton city schooll 3 several maryland lawmakers will bb ii college park todaa... for a ralll in pupport of same-sex marriage. and delegate heathhr mizeur are two of the lawmakers expected to speak at today's evvnt on the university of maryland ampus.they'll encourage sttdents to vvtt in favor of question 66 ome no