hello, shiela was dashti and say he was on a plane to ukraine, his face and all that stuff back at home with party gate, etc. but lily's been highly criticized her for miss nicole tutor hotel. yes, they what's been happening today while morris johnson has now landed in k, as he's been speaking with the ukranian president, they've come up with a joint estate men, both leaders warning that any russian in cash would be a strategic mistake pointing to the russian troops on the eastern border as far as johnson, very robust, and his rhetoric today really upping the ante now saying that any escalation from russia would be not only a strategic disaster, but a political one and the humanitarian disaster as well. he says, so there's a package of sanctions just there. the ready should any russian soldier even put a co cap into the u. ukrainian territories that quite the threat but also saying since 2015 the u. k. as assisted in the military assistance of 22000 ukrainian military past now. well, the ukranian president, he was very welcoming as far as johnson's trip today. and was even welcome to th