a third was the israeli decision rightly shigeo cyrix reactor in may 1981 without which saddam husseinwould've had nuclear weapons by the time of the first gulf war. one final thought on the cost of office, the bush doctrine does not say you go to war with everybody to change the nature of the regime. what it says is when there was a connotation of circus dances, and gathering danger conny tierney that the us sometimes the same for sooner is better than using force later. for the cost of this endeavor, we've heard a lot of pratchett cares about the warfare state. let's be precise. right now the defense budget is 4.7% of the gdp compared to 6.6% under ronald reagan, 8.6 under john f. kennedy. the problem is not military spending. the problem is domestic spending. caught a break that. as ronald reagan often when he rejected isolationism, when he decried appeasement and identify churchill is the greatest hero of the 20th century, reagan said, it takes generations to build freedom. you can visit a new generation and if you do said, it is often going to be because he withdrew from your resp