although shigeru's sisters obtained legal status through adoption and marriage, shigeru continued to reside here without such status. in the meantime, shigeru became a model student, graduating from east lake high school with honors in 2010. yet, at east lake he served on student government, participated in numerous community service activities and excelled at football and wrestling. he was an all-american scholar and was named outstanding english student his freshman year. he was also voted the most inspirational player of the year in various sports, both at the junior varsity and varsity level. he served as vice president of the associated student body his senior year. shigeru also volunteered to coach the east lake high school softball team and obtained an associates degree from southwestern community college. it is through no fault of his own that shigeru was raised in the united states without legal immigration status. shigeru's mother died before she could regularize his status and adoption proceedings by his aunt were completed too late to affect his immigration status. s. 401