with shindler breaking down. he did not save enough. and that is the sharp sense, they held their light under a bushel because they knew that they had only gotten out a few hundred. and they could see, they could feel there is a wonderful conversation in a ship that weightsel is taking back with a very famous jew that the nazis are after, the french collaborations are after, and he says can i address you as a character in my novel. who is paying you, what do you get out of this. and he goes no, i just don't like to see the average guy pushed around it is this wonderful existential thing. he said i feel something worse is coming. and this is the summer of 1940. and he can, in turks it from the experiences in prague and what is going on in southern france that this mamout wave is about to break on humanity that we call the holocaust. >> rose: so how did this man, this reverend and his wife. >> right. >> rose: do this? what did they do and at what risk? >> well, first of all, they didn't do it overnight, it took time for them to doaferl th