in june, veteran secretary shinseki came to the groundbreaking for that hospital. in education, we have made strides as well. as you know, schools in new orleans were falling behind long before katrina. but in the years since the storm, a lot of public schools have opened themselves up to innovation and reform. we're seeing rising achievement and new orleans is becoming a model of innovation for the nation. this is yet another sign that you are not just rebuilding. you are rebuilding stronger than before. just this friday, my administration announced a final agreement on $1.8 billion for borland's -- orleans parish schools. [cheers and applause] this is money that had been locked up for years, but now it is freed up so folks here can determine how best to restore the school system. in a city that has known too much violence, and seemed to many young people lost to drugs and criminal activity -- seen too many people lost to drugs and criminal activity, we have a justice department that is determined to weed out corruption, fight a violent crime, and ensure the crimi