um, secretary shinseki has taken on this goal himself, has brought in the support of the governors of states. we're now getting data on a more timely basis that talks about veteran suicide, and we're able to put that together and come up with some estimates which, um, you've seen. and you've seen the estimated numbers of 18 veterans a day dying by suicide. honestly, i don't know if, how correct we are in that it's our best guess. right now. um, i also want to address the title of the report, um, a little bit. i think as long as any veteran or service member dies by suicide, we are, in fact, losing the battle. but i do maintain that we've made huge strides towards winning the war over the past several years. and, um, we will continue to do that. the va has taken the stance that suicide prevention is based on ready access to high quality mental health care. and to that end we've instituted a whole series of programs that i won't, um, go into now but certainly am available to talk to any of you about it anytime. probably the most visible, um, access mechanism that we've instituted, um, i