president collins, present vice president shiota is absent. commissioner beltran present commissioner benavidez present. commissioner brunzell here. commissioner carney is absent. commissioner ferris here. commissioner hakimi here. commissioner liu present. commissioner mccoy present commissioner mosley. present. commissioner rothstein. present. commissioner schneider here. commissioner shelby is absent. commissioner stryker present and commissioner tanner is absent. but we do have a quorum. and also for the record director of cultural affairs, ralph remington, deputy director of finance and administration. sarah hollenbeck, deputy director of programs, are also in attendance. and now for some public meeting instructions. today, the arts commission is meeting meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format. this format will allow everyone to participate in person and remotely through the webex platform. while this technology grants us better accessibility for individuals joining the meeting remotely, please be mindful that tech related difficulti