and peggy shippen.y introduce general benedict arnold, military commander of philadelphia? >> it is my utmost pleasure to be introduced to you, miss shippen, and an honor to meet you, judge shippen. >> you participated in the victory at saratoga. >> yes, sir. i led charges in both battles. >> i believe general howe has mentioned you by name. >> he may be a wounded warrior, which she may have felt sorry for him, and he is a person who has command presence. he is a major figure at this point in the revolution. >> against her father's wishes, arnold marries peggy shippen and buys her a 94-acre estate, a wedding gift that pushes him deep into debt. >> ah! >> ahh! benedict, it's...oh, it's absolutely stunning. it must have cost a small fortune. >> ahem. general arnold? >> ah, news of our happiness has already spread. >> he uses and abuses his position as an officer in philadelphia for his own kind of side business, and for that he actually gets brought up on charges. and that actually begins the disaffection