both streams flow from the territory of shirametyev.s about the problem and does not refuse responsibility. problem in that the sheremetyevo treatment facilities were built during the ussr and cannot cope with today’s load. we, sheremetyevo airport, and the russian federation entered into a concession agreement, in accordance with which we took over. all costs for the maintenance of infrastructure, for the creation of new facilities, including the construction of treatment facilities. the construction of new treatment facilities had to be postponed several times, first due to... ru, right now the continuation of the allataxi melodrama. speak, speak, i haven’t heard enough, i began to you. such an obedient white mare , i strangle, say that i have become beautiful , beckoned, beckoned, gave wings, showed with my eyes where to fly, say go kuren, well, i see that listen, this does not concern you, this is my life, come on, get on the minibus forward, you have given up, refused a new life, yuri will have nothing to respect you for, and i wil