what about all the other victims here that can't speak to shirlee or thomas or roger or mary? >>> this sunday, pandemic and politics. >> the situation is dire. >> the u.s. reaches 5 million confirmed covid cases. >> come into my icu. come watch. patients and families are being crushed. >> that is a huge toll to take every day, knowing that you're the only person and may be the last person who speaks to them. >> while president trump continues to deny the tragedy he's overseeing. >> it will go away. things go away. absolutely. no question in my mind it will go away. >>> congress deadlocked. >> this morning was a disappointing -- i don't care what rose they try to pin on it. >> with millions losing benefits, negotiators fail to reach an agreement. >> we did not make any progress today. >> president trump signs executive orders he claims will help those in need. my guest, peter navarro, democratic whip dick durbin, and the doctor from johns hopkins university. the coronavirus in the classroom and the debate over opening schools. >> we talk to a principal, a tomb teacher, and a sc