s, being a pilot, this was not a new experience. he had served in korea, flew 62 combat missions in an f-86 saber. called shirley's texas tornado, after his wife. shirley. so he flew 62 in korean war, vietnam he's on his 25th. flying an f-4 phantom he left lay ocean air space, came into -- left laotian air space, came into north vietnam, shot down by ground fire. this wasn't his first duty of -- tour of duty in vietnam, he was advertise second. sam johnson was an american warrior. after heffs shot down in 1966, his life took a turn. a different turn. when he parachuted out of his plane, his shoulder was injured, of course the vietnamese didn't do anything to help his injuries, he still carries some of those wounds from his prisoner days and from when he crashed, or when he came back down to earth in that parachute. he was captured by the north vietnamese army and put in a prisoner of war camp. the north vietnamese probably developed prisoner of war camps better than any place on earth. they were hard. they were tough. they were mean. and not everybody survived those camps. so he spent seven years as a prisoner of