have a lot of different gloves, they began to hide the hands when it was already it’s clear that shishkinaifferent, diverse, the autoimmune system is strong. now doctors are saying, by the way, that i have heard the opinion that this is just as scary as oncology, autoimmune disease, that it is the same scourge, they still can’t cope, they still don’t fully understand how to treat it, when this together with something else, then they don’t understand at all what to do. christina, you defeated oncology, what did your diagnosis sound like? breast cancer. glands, i discovered a small lump, so i began to undergo examination, examination after examination, examination after examination, nothing was found until we did an oppsy, then this analysis showed at what stage this disease was discovered, i don’t know some details, they basically didn’t voice it to me so that i wouldn’t overthink it, such a situation that i have... of course, as an actress, i have a very flexible psyche, the doctors realized this very quickly, and he, they realized that with it’s better for me not to make any clear diagnos