let's just remember, that neither shitaya know the person who appointed him, mahmoud abbas are in their positions democratically. abbas's term of office ended in in in 2009. shitaya was appointed, not elected as was his predecessor by that unelected president, and so they really have no democratic legitimacy, and right now, in the past few months, no legitimacy or credibility whatsoever. among palestinians, many of whom are being shot at and imprisoned in the west bank by the security forces of the very same palestinian authority, but the the danger of this, if what i'm saying is actually correct, that it's part of an american machination, the danger is that shataya stepping aside means that abbas will appoint another prime minister will be much closer to the americans, much closer to the israelis and will satisfy the israelis. the pa can uh control uh gaza and the west bank in coordination with israel, and and the pa uh are of course involved in uh ceasefire negotiations, sakina, how optimistic are you that these talks will yield something positive for the palestinians in gaza? i'm not