they are, you know, the research tenderly as if you go to some scientific databases and you type in shiva, it's like going on google and taking and. and the flood of research out there that was done in her cells that still goes today. >> what is he left? >> it stands for henrietta lacks. i can't remember the exact numbers published each month using keyless cells is about a chairman with a number exactly as about 3000 papers a month. so it's just an enormous amount of research. >> how did you find this story? >> i first learned about the cells when i was 16 and the basic i/o to class. and most people, you do, and -- >> after the 70's it became more public knowledge? >> most people don't know her name come anything about her, but they're the cells. so scientists are biology teachers will talk about cancer and cells in the paper learned a lot of what we know about cancer and cells from this one cell line. the cells have been growing since 1951 and there's a sort of sci-fi element to it. they can say they've been alive longer than the person they came from. >> to did intrigue you at age 16? >