. >> and you're going to spend a week sitting shiva with your sisters and your mom.functional family. it's very, very funny. and pretty heartbreaking, too. we're getting together for our father just passed away. but it's -- it's kind of a great excuse for the whole family to get together and have all these issues come up, which are equally heartbreaking and hilarious. >> here's a first look. thank you for sharing with us, by the way, of "this is where i leave you." >> a year. >> a first time. >> dad's dead. >> what? hi, sis. >> mommy. >> what's different about her? >> the boobs. she had a little touch-up. >> your father had one final request. and we're going to honor it. he just wanted his kids under one roof. so, for the next seven days, you are all grounded. >> mom, close that robe. >> they're just breasts. same ones you suckled with. >> those are not the ones i nursed with. you have bionic breasts. >> turn it off. >> circle of life, everybody. go, altmans. >> how often do you get to say that to jane fonda? >> yeah. those are something. those things have their own