when you're waiting for forty five minutes for a bus that shivani taken a couple minutes i then began to realize that there was no law school bus. and how old was daniel when he thought fifteen. or. seventeen years ago when we last met i think it ended in tears for me because i realized again what i what i would do if they came to take my guns that would be the end of it for. this country for sure and i'm not willing to hand that over rights. while i'm living i feel like there are a lot of gary in guns storing why the resistance to regulation. because it leads to more regulation. that's too slippery of a slope we can't have laws to protect people from their own stupidity. and under their emotional. no no no when there were there were no no. no when they were young no you in the. room were. no no. no no no in the go here you know we're. a well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state comma the right of the people to keep and bear arms. shall not be and for. the second amendment in every state constitution guarantees my right to keep and bear arms why for my pe