they escape from mister shmitov with their subterfuge. he received my letter a long time ago and agreed with me, just as he approved of my decision to go to work at the aircraft factory, remember how at the very beginning of the war dad said: let’s go to fight, everyone from young to old, won’t he understand me now? . when will we start flying, comrade, well, you’re quick, we already promised, well, i promised, so i’ll do it, drones don’t like to chatter, you press the theory for now, i’ve known the theory for a long time, press, press, i said we’ll fly, then we’ll fly, and you don’t give vitya, i decided to train my minder soldier's science, so also a lieutenant, as one prominent scientist said, peeling potatoes is the first thing in a soldier's service, and scientists must be trusted, who is this professor, isn't it burmakli? well, who else caught the fish? all the squadrons caught, the squadrons, you know, which one fell off, i know, not the first day, you’re fighting. well, why are you silent, you could have run away without permissio