bestselling author rabbi shmuley boteach's latest book is called "kosher jesus." that notion, he says, is a radical departure from what he learned as a child. >> when i grew up, jesus' name, his very name, was off limits. jesus was seen as the archenemy of the jewish people. he was really seen as an apostate and traitor to his people. >> boteach believes the time is ripe for a new paradigm. >> we can't ignore the 600-pound gorilla in the room, which is jesus. christians and jews come together, and they can never mention jesus. christians are afraid of offending the jews, the jews are uncomfortable with the mention of jesus. >> growing up in a predominantly roman catholic neighborhood in massachusetts, levine had the impression that the christianity of her friends was just a different form of her family's judaism. and then she heard otherwise. >> when i was in second grade, a little girl accused me of having killed her lord because she had been taught that the jews were responsible for the death of jesus. and i couldn't fathom how this religion that had such beauti