thanks for your time and i'll pass it back to shobha to wrap up. great. thanks valerie. we do have our analyzes of city department purchasing data available on our bi green dashboard, and gabriel is our technical lead with updating and managing that dashboard. and you can find a link to it in the bi green report. next slide, please . here i'm showing you some activities i have in mind for the coming year. we'll work on building and maintaining our relationships with city staff who make or influence purchasing decisions. ions as i mentioned, i've got a new team, so there's new folks here and there's also new folks in other city departments, too. so i think it's really important that we spend some time to connect with other city staff and learn about what might be the barriers in place to green purchasing that departments are facing. and consider solutions that limit or avoid the inclusion of harmful chemicals in municipal purchases . we'll continue to build collaboration options with our external partners, such as the responsible purchasing network and the sustainable pur