>> shockomoto. i work on japanese and british bikes. these are mostly vintage bikes, vintage cache that makes people willing to spend money on them and it's a very small operation. islamic any reason in particular that you don't work on harleys? [laughter] >> yeah, people ask me sometimes why i don't work on harleys, and why generally say is i work on motorcycles, not lifestyles. i'm not qualified to help them with their lifestyle issues, it is beyond my competence. >> what is soulcraft? >> the title on the book is a play on a george will that cannot 20 years ago. his was statecraft and i thought it was funny to replace henrietta lacks with soulcraft but i guess if pressed to define it would be like education, the forming of the souls. >> what does that mean? >> often we think of education in a fairly narrow terms of requiring may be a narrow set of technical skills. apply think most people would agree that education entails some kind of education of the affections, disconnected, actually can be connected to the acquiring of technical s