remakes of classics, for example, the fate of a man, directed by bondarchuk based on the story by sholokhovknew, i knew, you will find before me how i feel, it’s bad, there is, why remake it, firstly, this is the vision of a certain director, this vision cannot be repeated, if... repeated, it will be plagiarism, which means some new reading, literature needs to be filmed, and repetitions are remakes, destruction of film classics, i personally, i personally am against this, yes i too , there is things are sacred in culture, but in russian and soviet cinema there are sacred things, it’s like you can remake the language of ezeinstein or the language of torkovsky, but... if someone comes to us with a sword, he will die from the sword. and indeed, how can one repeat this close-up of cherkassov in alexander nevsky, and is it possible to surpass urusevsky’s camera and batalov’s acting in a scene included in all textbooks? this must be approached very carefully, because this was done by outstanding directors who went through a huge life, national war. all bandarchuk, chukhrai, ozerov, rostotsky, th