shonan kucha. one of the all of this recorded it she says they were. the oldest a reference. for. me i was phoning of a nation document dated by 1550 for. the pan tele family farm is at the foot of the trudeau's mountains in western cyprus here they use only goats or sheep's milk for their home to me the way it's traditionally been made in cyprus for centuries. and the opposing view of the view of the milk is crucial to the whole louise good taste yes it was here in the region around the city of pa force the livestock find the most nutritious plants on the island. and his small dairy pantelis cantelli only makes cheese when he's got enough milk this time he only has goats milk 2. i take i spoonfuls of rennet a mixture of enzymes from the goat stomachs it curdles the milk i have the rennet to the milk at around 35 degrees celsius where it works best then the warm mixture is left to stand in the vats for about an hour. what remains is the liquid way and the kurds. pantelis pantelion his daughters press these into molds. once at a set it's heated once more in the way. finally they ca