ready if it's a uniquely asian situation, because european opera really loved orientalism as a shondra. and so you know, black singers, latino singers, other folks who are from non asian groups, were not necessarily represented on the european stages. and even the top 10 offers that are continually performed, but, but regularly there are so many asian characters that continue to be performed overseas and tornado. and what we have to think about too is not just the impact on being projected. i think that it just touched on that very well is that when we have these ideas in the broader culture about what certain people are supposed to be. so patient women are hyper submissive, but hyper sexual or their either the geisha or the tornado. right. you know, the sort of dragon lady, it fits sort of pigeonhole people into these ideas. and so we, we tend to project these things on to asian people. whether that's, you know, kind of a weird fetishizing sexuality or, or just certain racial idea. they're just coded and you see this across the theater opera dancer, but you know, it's all, you know, t