i would like to introduce shonea holmes. she is from canada and she's going to tell you a little bit about her firsthand experience there. >> hello. i am the face of a government-run health care. it's something that happened to me that i never ever thought would happen because i actually think i'm in a worse position than people in the united states that have no insurance. i do have insurance. and i couldn't get any access to care. i started having terrible onset of problems and vision loss. went to my family doctor, who sent me for vision tests and it was determined that i was going blind very quickly. at that point, we started to try and get some specialists to see me. and i set up an appointment with an endocrineologist and a cronologist. one was going to be a four-month wait and the other is a six-month wait. i'm almost embarrassed because those wait times are really considered pretty good in canada, because it definitely is a year to a year and a half, sometimes two years, and that's just to get in for an initial diagno