on the prison attack on convicted eater shoooor jas holmeses holmes was beatat by y fell inme e october, at a high security pris i i florence. abc news uncovered w docunts that guard accidentlyefa a doorpen, leing holmes @nsed d anheinma. the other inmate, a convnvted car thief .. attacke holmes, hitting him verara times, before the guards pulled hif. becae ofhe cidede, ho wamomod toundidilosed pris o of state. ub driver accususus inin deay shooting spree, will receive a a mental alaltion. pele andnd injujud twtw others in ooting rampage in lamazoo,michast month. e ntal evaluauaononill be`eone e thin the xt 6daysys vestigator are continin to p p p p ce and a workrk identify a mote fofothe attawa. a polici offjcer om mogomery alabama ischarged withth murder, in t shooting death of an armed man. officer aaron smh h acccced ofililng greg gunn. e shting happened last wewe ith's lawyer ysheicer waconfroroed by gn, w h%h lls a ngerous s susuect. police sayay gunn fought with smi, hohoing what loedika weapon, but lalar tutued out to be a small, thin stick u ud stir pain sot coverere mimickey m