cammed pill's body is found in the tallahassee river, up hill had said by baby to the wife of a white shopowner and was going to be lynched because of that. his body is going to be put on display on the cover of jet magazine, the african-american working-class magazine of the postwar period and that is going to galvanize a whole generation of civil rights activists including stokely carmichael. 1957 is little rock central high school and that crisis that results in mob violence against young people trying to integrate, february 1st, 1960, is the start of the sit in amusement in north carolina where four black students demand equal service and that will spark hundreds of demonstrations across the united states but importantly it will spark the creation of an easter weekend of 1960, the student nonviolent coordinating committee and we have heroic figures from snake who are still alive today. joanne mulholland is here, we have judy richardson, congressman john lewis, and stokely carmichael was part of the student nonviolent coordinating committee as well. 1961 are the freedom rides where groups of