we are about to launch the shoppach s.f. get more campaign. this is the campaign around the holiday season, of which we promote outside the city to the nine bay area counsel and everyone to come to san francisco to do their holiday shopping, and for people from san francisco to stay in the city to do holiday shopping. there is a lot of businesses -- i am going to say entertainment, but attractions i should say, like going to alcatraz, or the aquarium by the bay. there are going to be opportunities for individuals in the city who have family members visiting to engage in these at a discount. you will be receiving an announcement. just so you are aware of what we are sending out to the merchants to encourage them to participate in the shoppach s.f. get more campaign, we are looking at a launch or kick-off date of december 1, but i will keep you apriced of that as more of those details are confirmed. the legislation -- you have received legislation regarding push carts and some reforms that are going to be happening around that. there is still so