shortl 11 bay miyagih with from of building shows away a oil tsunami waves surk secondster, a tank slo a the earthquak oil tanks linedshore. them w moor the others wer the from the tanks across the surfacebay. the t fixed in pla prevent damagetrong tsunami submerged the causi them to and float upwards.f there's enoughhe tanks will not if they are a almosto pre them from floating. >> seaside locations japan, many of similarly effectedtsunami. a the indonesian sumatra washed lined up onore. japan'esponded bymmittee to study to occurrences and report inanel largest possible ld be height of would onlyys and would loose or floatno safety measures after the report in. aims to set of concret safeguard threat tsunami i chemicals a new panel draft a proposal the government by year. legas will then be passed ber ood agency for her agriculture. the u.n. food and agricult 62-year-old sakormer. city and is the first japaneto be awarded by the fao.ceremony was held in the thai princess presented the anzai grows other fruit with her h work th high yields.she has also organized a etwork that studies a