. >> she had the pants, shortt skirt, pea coat, purse.e way she dressed was ahead of her time. my boss wouldn't let me wear pants in the office, my first boss. so she was just pushing us forward in every way. i wonder if she knew that she was showing us the future. >> i was young enough to be spunky and say, you know, i see other wives on television doing this. and i want to do that. i didn't know what i was talking but i did say, why don't i wear pant the way i do, a young house wife at home. why don't we do that on the show? >> it is interesting. don't you think? >> those jersey dresses, knit pant suites, go-go boots, mary helping shape closets of women in th'70s. her impact on fashion can still be seen. >> michael kors, birch, isaac mizrahi have cited her as a muse. she has stood the test of time. the pea coat has never been more modern, and at the same time classic. >> anything she is wearing this that show is something you could wear today. it is timeless, classic and elegant. >> even in her personal life, mary add style all her own,