just abouttto break up, was bendiig over to grab the leash -3&pann ext hing ya knoo.. boom my dog got shotta's dog.. is in the custody of animal conttol as -3 police and prosecutors &&pdetermine hat appens next.. with theecase. c fox 5 news at 5;30 3 the pitbuul ttat attacked a wommn in souuhhast baltimmrr, has beee euttanized. ppnca street. the elderly woman remains hospitalizzd att bayview medical center. thee dog's owwer: hhnrietta rouzen says she is takiig &presponsibbity ffr her dog's actions. he lso wrote petter oo apology and haa it translatee to greek foo he &pviittm. 3 (henriettta ouzen-dog &powner)"iis n apology toothe -3 lady, i knowwi cant pologize enough to her but thhs is a -family is very sorryyabout what happpned to her..and 3 pe gladdy do for them"" phem" pplice are stiil investigattigg.. so far no criminal ccarges haveebben filed. attacked....without warning.. / ...a niiht out inncolumbia. - 3 3 melinda roeder.. / ..."seconddchance saloon".../ wheeee he & camera. 3 3 3 ... vacant apaatment kkeps fiiefighhers busy.... this afternoon. affernoon. - inno... a ggping & hole...