which puts together a interesting combination, cbs controls showtime, a bunch of different properties, the networkry interesting combination. liz: yeah, would the regulators allow that though? >> i don't know. one other point we should make, dauman is chairman until september 13th. what i understand he will keep pushing paramount deal, to push off part of paramount which shari redstone doesn't like. very low probability this is ever going to happen and the reason is, gets back to the idea of a merger. shari redstone would like a combined entity to include paramount where she thinks it could thrive if they have better management at the top, i.e., les moonves running whole show. that is where we are, major implications of shareholders of all the companies. moonves on the fence. liz: paramount, what not to love, ninja turtles. >> "ben hur? liz: i don't know if that was paramount? >> i think it was. they did a remake. you don't like gladiator movies. liz: i do. i like death and destruction. i worked in local news. >> you know who is big gladiator movie fan? david asman. liz: we'll ask him. he is comin