committed to an outcome that shrinkens, not weakens to access the secondary mortgage market.fa wants to see a competitive marketplace, competition and hus consumer opportunities is enhanced when large lenders and small effectively compete in to families gages and compete and surface those mortgages. there, we must be willing to envision the mortgage market differently than it has in the past. nother example is in the putback list loan originators face. the business practices in the approved. be long served as a key risk fannie maehanism for and freddie mac to ensure that the loans sold to them meet the their ments set forth in seller guides. the tremendous breakdown in loan the boom n quality in period of the last decade led to nprecedented delinquencies which led to unprecedented loan putbacks.nd as cob serve tore, fhfa believes standing requirement was a necessary albeit painful taxpayers andtect losses where it exists. demonstrates the need for improved quality control to quality control on loan originations. we've been working to that end. arlier this year, we committed t