secretary kissinger, secretary shultse and others have looked at the deal and shall secretary baker. -- republicans -- republican secretaries of state but people you will admire. george: i admire all three of them. charlie: they're saying if it's this and tains these protections, good. george: first off, there isn't a deal yet so you have to withhold judgment until you see the final agreement and in my view, the final agreement will be acceptable or not raced on -- upon the verification procedures that are include. charlie: that's what they say too, the very verification. but my point is it is the nature of how inclusive the inspection can be that will be determinative. george: the determinative issue is can the united states and the five countries on our side of the table, china russia, britain, france, and germany, rely upontorian do what it says? the answer is we cannot trust them. the ayatollah has said iran doesn't want nuclear weapons but the government of iran continue tra indict his words so trust is out of the question. then what priveringses will there be in the agreement t