and the shuman fund for media and democracy is managed by bill moyers.e was sending money to david brock, an admitted liar that he was going to use the money to try to destroy fox news? bill moyers? >> of course, bill moyers who spent those many years gathering big paychecks and prestige at public expense as a pbs celebrity, absolutely. he's been a left wing activist for years. you know, but at public expense which is the amazing part. >> but you look at -- so they wanted to -- initially, you know, david brock who spent some time in the quiet room, he would go to these donors and say, look, we're going to be a watchdog group and keep an eye on the fox newschannel and fox news as well. and so they said, ok, here's a great big check. you got to figure, he didn't say by the way, we've got this plan, there's this e-mail circulating. we're going to hire private investigators to follow people from fox news. we're going to do opposition research into not only people on the air but people behind the scenes and executives. we're going to destroy -- we're going to