now together one-year-old love, shumskaya has already come to her senses a little. although there were still scratches on her face glasses, in which she was badly injured and the doctors diagnosed a broken finger on her left hand. the glass broke, not in the piece of iron, and they wounded everything for me here. you are now podzhivat blood wiped with a handkerchief. you see that here i have a fracture, since i covered more at i was strong enough to cover my head with a bump. first aid to a pensioner turned out to be employees of the nearest store, who ran out to screams. they called the police , love, shumskaya, who that day was just going to pay utility bills. in the end, she ended up in the hospital. where did the forensic x-rays from the daughter already call. here we are going for an mri, because my mother has a high-risk consultation, as if there were no consequences, then her spine is broken and a little compression a fracture in her prosthesis in her leg, and literally last year she had the last operation to arrest the attacker for a long time and did not ta